This site is Dedicated to all these "Spooks"
who volunteered to go where they "weren't", and to their support
teams, together
making a major contribution to WINNING the COLD WAR!
And also to those "Spooks" now fighting the War against Terrorists!
This Contact List is to be used ONLY for reconnecting
old shipmates,
NOT for any commercial,
political, or other purpose.
If you would like to contact members of this site with
a commercial offering then please contact the SiteMaster, there are many more members who prefer not to have their names and E-dresses posted for privacy reasons.
If you are looking for an old shipmate who is
not posted ASK!
I just might have their name and E-dress listed
List being
Even if
you have submitted your info before, PLEASE re-submit as many emails are bouncing (out of date).
Please Add yourself to the Crew List (or update your information)
by completeing the form below.
Snail Mail address and Phone numbers will be kept offline
and used only should your email bounce.
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