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"A place for Sub-Surface
Direct Support CTs to
 Remember, Reminisce, and Reconnect"


This site was launched as a Virtual Reunion for us "Spook Riders" who shared too small spaces, for too long periods, while on Submarine Spec-Ops. Here we can share UNCLAS memories, find old buddies, and maybe even plan a Real Reunion.
"... the relief of finally being able to discuss what was for many of them, the very best moments and the very worst moments of their lives!"
Sherry Sontag
History Channel Special
Blind Man's Bluff (Co-Author)
"During that period of time I did the most important thing I'll ever do in my lifetime for the most people. And then to be able to contribute to something that was so important to our nation, It's a real Honor."
Tommy Cox
History Channel Special
Blind Man's Bluff
History deserves a chance to be told and not to die with all of us in our "old age".  Some things should never be told, but some's about time!"
Robert R. (Cold Joint) Ellenwood
CWO2, USN, (ret.)


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This Site Launched 05-APR-2001
It is under constant developmnet
thanks to YOUR input to:
CTM2 Paul W. Hartnägel
All Content, Text, and Photos Copyright 2001-2011
by Call Paul Promotions, Site By Stache and/or Others.